Internet Explorer 6.0 Service Pack 1 BETA
Ostatnie informacje związane z występowaniem dość poważnych błędów w Internet Explorer, które zresztą zostały opublikowane na łamach naszego serwisu, zmusiły głównych programistów do stworzenia osobnego i pierwszego Service Pack 1 dla tytułowej przeglądarki.
Jak na czas dzisiejszy, w zbliżającym się dość dużymi krokami Service Pack, który jeszcze jest w fazie rozwoju, programiści zamieścili następujące poprawki i ulepszenia:
SMIL 2.0: Expanded support for the W3C Synchronized Multimedia Working Group’s SMIL 2.0 proposed recommendation through a new version of HTML+TIME.
Msxml3 registers itself over msxml: In this tech beta, msxml3 will register itself over any existing version of msxml on your machine, routing all calls into msxml to msxml3. (Msxml3 is the first version of msxml that is completely compliant with W3C standards and the first version of msxml to support XSL/T.)
IFRAME security=”restricted”: A new property has been added to the Frame and IFrame elements: Security=”restricted”. This new property has the ability to push the Frame/IFrame into the restricted zone so the security setting for this zone will be placed on the contents within the frame. The key scenario here is to prevent malicious script or ActiveX controls from running within a frame on a web-based email application.
Custom Cursor: The user is now able to generate their own cursor. Even animation is possible! IE supports .cur and .ani files. The look of the existing cursor has been changed to be standard CSS2 compliant.
„onmousewheel” event: This event allows you to track the mousewheel ovements.
Focus events: Due to historic compatibility with Netscape, onfocus/onblur are asynchronous and non-bubbling events. Two new events have been added: onfocusin and onfocusout.