MySQL 3.23.57

Z oficjalnej strony bazy danych MySQL można pobrać nową wersje oznaczoną numerkiem 3.23.57. Źródła można pobrać stąd, zaś pełna lista zmian jest dostępna poniżej:

Fixed problem in alarm handling that could cause problems when getting a packet that is too large.

Fixed problem when installing MySQL as a service on Windows when one gave 2 arguments (option file group name and service name) to mysqld.

Fixed kill pid-of-mysqld to work on Mac OS X.

SHOW TABLE STATUS displayed incorrect Row_format value for tables that have been compressed with myisampack. (Bug #427)

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE ‚innodb_data_file_path’ displayed only the name of the first datafile (bug #468).

Fixed security problem where mysqld didn’t allow one to UPDATE rows in a table even if one had a global UPDATE privilege and a database SELECT privilege.
Fixed a security problem with SELECT and wildcarded select list, when user only had partial column SELECT privileges on the table.

Fixed unlikely problem in optimising WHERE clause with a constant expression such as in WHERE 1 AND (a=1 AND b=1).

Fixed problem on IA64 with timestamps that caused mysqlbinlog to fail.

The default option for innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit was changed from 0 to 1 to make InnoDB tables ACID by default. See section 7.5.3 InnoDB Startup Options.

Fixed problem with too many allocated alarms on slave when connecting to master many times (normally not a very critical error).

Fixed a bug in replication of temporary tables. (Bug #183)

Fixed 64 bit bug that affected at least AMD hammer systems.

Fixed a bug when doing LOAD DATA INFILE IGNORE: When reading the binary log, mysqlbinlog and the replication code read REPLACE instead of IGNORE. This could make the slave’s table become different from the master’s table. (Bug #218)

Fixed a bug in MyISAM when a row is inserted into a table with a large number of NULL columns. Bug was caused by incorrect calculation of the record length, as the space required for storage of NULL bits was not added to the total record length.

The binary log was not locked during TRUNCATE table_name or DELETE FROM table_name statements, which could cause an INSERT to table_name to be written to the log before the TRUNCATE or DELETE statements.

Fixed rare bug in UPDATE of InnoDB tables where one row could be updated multiple times.

Produce an error for empty table and column names.

Changed PROCEDURE ANALYSE() to report DATE instead of NEWDATE.

Changed PROCEDURE ANALYSE(#) to restrict the number of values in an ENUM column to # also for string values.

mysqldump no longer silently deletes the binary logs when invoked with the –master-data or –first-slave option; while this behaviour was convenient for some users, others may suffer from it. Now one has to explicitly ask for binary logs to be deleted by using the new –delete-master-logs option.

Fixed a bug in mysqldump when it was invoked with the –master-data option: The CHANGE MASTER TO statements that were appended to the SQL dump had incorrect coordinates. (Bug #159)